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Training and development is a necessary factor in the attainment of organizational objectives of any organization. In every organization exists some form training and development programme.
In Nigeria with the attainment of independence in 1960, the indigenization Decree and the current economic crises resulting mainly from over-dependence on oil revenue, the manpower has to be trained and developed in terms of quality and quantity so that they can effectively and efficiently control the commanding height of our economy and steer the economy of its present crises and backwardness to prosperity.
The federal government of Nigeria has risen to this, by providing the National Council for management education and training and the centre for management development training schemes. This is important because it directs training and development towards national need and aspiration.
In Nigeria breweries plc is already a formalized system of staff training and development in the organization to help it attain its objectives. This project paper is set for highlight the problems of staff training and development in the company and also to offer solutions to these problems. Training and development is a necessary factor in the attainment of organizational objectives of any organization. In every organization exists some form training and development programme.
In Nigeria with the attainment of independence in 1960, the indigenization Decree and the current economic crises resulting mainly from over-dependence on oil revenue, the manpower has to be trained and developed in terms of quality and quantity so that they can effectively and efficiently control the commanding height of our economy and steer the economy of its present crises and backwardness to prosperity.
The federal government of Nigeria has risen to this, by providing the National Council for management education and training and the centre for management development training schemes. This is important because it directs training and development towards national need and aspiration.
In Nigeria breweries plc is already a formalized system of staff training and development in the organization to help it attain its objectives. This project paper is set for highlight the impact of training and development in the company and also to offer solutions to these problems
There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of any organization, these factors include: capital, equipment, manpower, etc. All these factors are important but the most significant factor is the human factor. Since it is the people that will put the other resources to work, it should be viewed as such by management by giving it due attention in order to achieve its organizational goals and objectives. Manpower planning aimed at ensuring that the right person is available for the right job at the right time. This involves formulating a forward looking plan to ensure that the necessary human effort to make it possible for the survival and growth of the organization, it becomes imperative to develop the employee.
Manpower development is a process of intellectual and emotional achievement through providing the means by which people can grow on their jobs. It relates to series of activities, which an enterprise would embark upon to improve its managerial capacity. Manpower development is important in any discussion of strategic human resources management. These emphasis on manpower and development is influenced by the belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the past has been relatively neglected because every organization regardless of its size must provide for the needs, interest and desire of its employee within the work environment if it is to earn loyalty, dedication, involvement and commitment necessary to compete effectively.
Since the early 1960, the human factor of production of manpower as it is alternatively called, has increasable been recognized as the most critical resource of the factors without which an effective utilization of all other factors remain a dream. Although, it might to tempting to attach more importance to the availability of physical resource such as capital and equipment undermining that they are mere passive factors of production, which depend on human intellectual which is the active agent to exploit them in order to achieve the objective of the organization. Thus, the human factors (manpower) is the main stay of the organization.
In other words, the success of an organization depends on the ability and expertise of those who operate it both at the managerial and lower levels of operation, such abilities and expertise usually stems from the knowledge they possess and training received.
According to Harbison, F.H. (1973), human being constitutes the ultimate basis of a nation’s wealth. This proposition applies to the organization, which implies that with daily increase and complexity in the organizational activities and the problem ensuring optimum productivity which is fast becoming a challenge as well as imperative for the management of organization, thus, training and development of staff on whom the huge responsibility of furthering these goals rest, must take top priority if the organization must continue to enjoy maximum performance from the staff.
The main objective of setting up a company is to make profit and to achieve this organizational goal, adequate manpower planning and development programmes should be put in place to enhance performance.
Nigeria has been faced with the challenges of providing adequate effective manpower needs, development and management of the economic resources right from when she gained independence from Britain on October 1st, 1960.
The inability of the country to make provision for the required manpower has resulted in the inefficient and under utilization of her abundant economic resources.
Haines speaking on the general poor development of Nigeria workers said that he is under used, under employed, frustrated and prevented from bringing his talents to bear on the well being of his employer, and the nation at large. The principal culprit is not the worker but the leaders (Ngiera).
The above analysis, shows that the country is blessed with abundant human resources with which it can develop, but they lack effective utilization of these potentials for the transformation of their economic resources, essentially because of the inadequate planning and development of human resources. Training and development of manpower gives face lift towards venture.
Training and development is an important aspect in an organization from which both the employer and employee stand to gain a lot. As soon as employees are recruited and inducted, they must be trained and develop to fit perfectly into their jobs for which they have been employed and this can best be through the introduction of training and development programmes, the areas to direct our minds to when establishing such programmes are how can training and development programmes be directed to meet the challenging needs of the Nigeria economy and how can it increase productivity and the rate of industrialization of our environment
The human resources (manpower) is considered the most critical to any organizational survival of a truism that adequate supply of material and financial resources that utilizes these available resources to bring about the desired goals.
However, most organizational plans meticulously for their investment in physical and capital resources and these plans are reviewed with utmost attention to detail while rarely do such organizations pay attention to human investment in which the capital and equipment will be in vain. Not many organizations consider the necessity for a well-defined and sustained training and development for staff in order to upgrade their performance or they are not able to cope financially with training and development programmes.
The very few organizations that give thought to this very important aspect of staffing functions do so with lack of seriousness; all round attention and continuity. The programmes are carried out not only once in a blue moon but are also lopsided in terms of content and staff participation. As a result of this, lackadaisical attitude of management towards training and manpower development. There had been a progressive decline in the ability of manpower to cope with the challenges that attend the over unfolding new dispensation in the industry, in the circumstance, what we find is that the rise in industrial output is inconsequential in spite of the enormous wave of modern technology that now exist in industrial activities.
It is the opinion of industry observes that the poor performance of the organization-workers follows from their inability to keep abreast with the new technological current as a result of the absence of appropriate and sufficient staff training. It is against this background that the researcher considered the impact of performance training and development on organizational performance of this mission, however, the researcher used Nigeria breweries plc as a reference.
All organization be it political, religion or business have pre-determined goals and objectives which they intend to achieve and these are ends towards which organizational activities are geared organization strive to achieve their respective goals and purposes since this is used as a yardstick or standard for assessing their success or failure.
The major determinant of any organization is the presence of capable men and women with the right skill and knowledge to combine organizational goals and objectives.
The manager and employee must be well equipped in order to carryout these assignments and skill can only be imported through the training and development of the employees.
In Nigeria, there is shortage of skilled labour and the major challenge of the Nigeria management is to help develop the skills of the nations existing staff and at the same time device ways and means of utilizing the surplus staff.
Both the public and private sectors are besieged with the problem of inefficiency low capacity and other symptoms of poor jobs performance . these problems can be avoided and solved by early identification of adequate trained and development techniques and programmes for different level of managers supervisors and other employees.
The researcher work is directed towards the problem of staff training and development programmes of Nigeria company (BP), with a view of identifying the methods, problem areas and suggestions on ways of achieving a greater success in her staff training and development efforts.
1. To conduct an empirical investigation through a review of the manpower training and development policy of the Nigeria breweries plc.
2. To access the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and from it, establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated in Nigeria breweries plc .
3. To highlight the need for training and development for project execution in the an organization.
4. To identify some techniques of manpower training and development and its relevance to the Nigeria breweries plc especially on the area of project execution.
5. To evaluate the relationship between personnel training, development and staff performance in an organization.
6. To correct the belief that in this age of computerization and technological development, all that business units need to survive in the acquisition of up-to-date capital equipment to the neglects of the power management of its human resources.
7. To proffer solutions to the identified problems.
1. How can one conduct an empirical investigation through a review of the manpower training and development policy of the Nigeria breweries plc?
2. Is it possible to evaluate the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and from it, establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated in Nigeria breweries plc ?
3. What are the training and development needs for project execution in the Nigeria breweries plc.
4. What are the techniques of manpower training and development and its relevance to the Nigeria breweries plc especially on the area of project execution?
5. Are there relationship between personnel training, development and staff performance in an organization.?
H0: One cannot conduct an empirical investigation through a review of the manpower training and development policy of the Nigeria breweries plc.
H1: One can conduct an empirical investigation through a review of the manpower training and development policy of the Nigeria breweries plc.
H0: It is impossible to evaluate the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and from it, establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated in Nigeria breweries plc.
H1: It is possible to evaluate the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and from it, establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated in Nigeria breweries plc.
.H0: There are no techniques of manpower training and development and its relevance to the Nigeria breweries plc especially on the area of project execution.
H1: There are techniques of manpower training and development and its relevance to the Nigeria breweries plc especially on the area of project execution.
H0: There are no significant relationship among personnel training, development and staff performance in an organization.
H1: There are significant relationship among personnel training, development and staff performance in an organization.
Nigeria breweries plc is a large organization that contribute immensely to the growth and development of Nigeria economy. It is upon this premises that government regulates the activities of the Nigeria breweries plc In spite of all efforts geared towards improving the services of that Nigeria breweries plc industry, there are some doubts as to the quality of services rendered by the Nigeria breweries plc to its customers in particular and the nation in general. It is in light of this that the researcher through the work intend to look into the factors militating against Nigeria breweries plc in achieving its sets objectives, by this, the study will look into the manpower base and quality of staff of the Nigeria breweries plc and assess their suitability with the aim of developing training programmes to enhance their performance since the progress of an organization is a function of the quality of those directing its affairs. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized especially in these periods when most companies are international standard complaint. It therefore behooves a company to plan and train its workers for the best quality of work to be relevant in the scheme of globalization.
This is particularly directed to establishment that are prone to think that the intractable problems of their organization is finance and not manpower planning and development it will also evaluate aspects of the recruitment, selection and training process, which bear strong relevance to corporate image, productivity efficiency and morals.
For the management of Nigeria breweries plc, the benefit of training and development is that quality of work, life of the employees will reciprocate with increase performance on the job.
This will go a long way in providing job satisfaction and services as motivation towards the realization of individual aspiration, it will also be relevant to the human resource development department in the formulation of policies relating to training and development of personnel and for the government, to ensure adequate training and know-how to improve the economy as a whole.
The significance of the study lies on the fact that it will be of immense benefit as a reference tool to the organizers and executors of staff training and development programmes in Nigeria companies.
It will also be of benefit to the researcher who will be conversant with what training and development entails and the problems involves, thereby prepare him/her for the outside world. It will be of immense benefit to management of organizations.
This research work is on the impact of training and development of workers on project execution. The scope of the study is restricted to a case study of Nigeria breweries plc.
Nigeria breweries plc was selected for this study. The coverage may give time representation of selection practice in the government owned enterprises in the economy and the organized private sector. The study was also limited to employees of the Nigeria breweries plc. The problems, the researcher encountered was that some officers were either too busy for interviews or cleverly avoided certain questions for the fear that the information given might put their jobs in jeopardy. Those who responding to questions tends to make their answers to reflect what ought to be rather that what is, this undoubtedly affected the quality and accuracy of information collected during the study.
A large population of the staff falls among the junior staff and as such, it is difficult to really get their opinion as regards manpower development as they are shy to respond and do not really appreciate the importance of development. A lot of finance was also required in making this project a reality, thus, the researcher was faced with the problem of finance and time.
These difficulties notwithstanding the researcher made concert efforts to ensure that the project was comprehensively carried out to meet the desired needs.
Effects were made at defining the following terminologies use din this study to avoid ambiguity and elicit proper understanding.
Ø Development: This is the process concerned with people’s capacity in a defined and over a period to manage and involve positive change, and reduce or eliminate unwanted change.
Also, development is an organizational related learning experience preparing the individual for new future jobs and performance base on possible future directions for the organization.
Ø Manpower: The human resource of a business concern. These include unskilled, skilled supervisory and management staff of a company.
Ø Planning: Setting objectives and deciding on the best ways of achieving the objectives.
Ø Empirical: Of people or method guided only by practical experience rather than by scientific ideas.
Training: Training is a job related learning experience provided in order to improve performance on the current job.
Management: Management is the purpose use of resources of man, minutes, materials, machines, method and money. The key resource is man management thus is the effort of other people.
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